Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Show Goes On...

Well, another birthday has come and gone. Since my last birthday I have...

1. Been blessed with another beautiful daughter.

2. Watched Sydney and Marshall continue to mature and do great things.

3. Said goodbye forever to the evil & drama that for too long occupied my time and energy.

4. Supported Shauna through another school year.

5. Taken steps to rebuild myself and the things that are truly important to me.

6. Watched gas prices sky rocket, seen education funding be cut, and saw no job bills introduced to help the MILLIONS of people that are STILL out of work.

7. Encountered more disappointment from people that claim to be "family".

8. Managed to make it through another year without having knee surgery.

and much much more.

I suppose that the bottom line is, I am thankful that I was given another year. Through the years, I have learned to appreciate the good and the bad. Life is just that, good and bad! People are going to disappoint, anger, and fall short of your expectations. Things are not always going to go your way. Learning to take those things in stride, and in turn cherish every moment that you are given is the key.

In the words of Lupe Fiasco, "The Show Goes on!"

The Chorus of his song reminds us all that...

Alright, already the show goes on
all night, till the morning we dream so long
anybody ever wonder, when they would see the sun up
just remember when you come up
the show goes on!

I'm happy to report that my "show" does indeed go on!

So I will leave you all with this...

So no matter what you been through
no matter what you into
no matter what you see when you look outside your window
brown grass or green grass
picket fence or barbed wire
Never ever put them down
you just lift your arms higher
raise em till, your arms tired
Let em, know you're there
That you struggling and survivin' that you gonna persevere
Yeah, ain't no body leavin, no body goin' home
even if they turn the lights out the show is goin' on!


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