Friday, August 26, 2011

Not just noodles...

I just finished reading a book about Momofuku Ando. Mr. Ando was the inventor of instant ramen noodles and became a billionare. He founded the Nissin Food Products Company. Nissin now produces numerous flavors of what it calls Top Ramen and Cup Noodles.

Momofuku Ando was also very well known for sharing his wisdom through various sayings and quotes.

The time allotted to a man in one day is limited.
Within that time, he works, he sleeps, he eats.
If he saves time performing these activities, he can invest it in
improving his mind, making his life more abundant and
long lasting.
Indeed, time is life.

--Momofuku Ando

I appreciate Mr. Ando's words and wanted to share them via this post.


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